In celebration of Earth Day, Knights across the state got their hands dirty while supporting a series of impactful Knighted Neighbors events. From beach cleanups to urban farming, our teams showed up in numbers to make a difference in our local communities.
On April 20th, AJ’s team members demonstrated their commitment to environmental stewardship by partnering with the Pacific Beach Coalition, a local organization committed to preserving the coastal habitat through advocacy, education, and citizen action. Under the leadership of Supervisor Irving S., they rolled up their sleeves and got to work removing non-native and invasive plants from the dunes, bike paths, and hillsides in Pacifica. It was a hands-on effort to preserve the natural beauty of our coastal areas.
Meanwhile, in SoCal, Bicycle Casino and Lucky Lady Knights teamed up to volunteer at Grow Good, a remarkable local urban farm. This innovative non-profit not only produces fresh, sustainable food but also serves as a supportive community for individuals experiencing homelessness. Led by Bicycle Associate Rebecca G., our team members immersed themselves in urban agriculture, contributing to a cause that brings nourishment, employment opportunities, and vital skills training to those in need. Kudos to Rebecca for her outstanding leadership in organizing this event!
Not to be outdone, the Bay 101 team, under the guidance of Supervisor Evelyn M., embarked on a coastal habitat restoration endeavor at Alviso Marina County Park. Against the backdrop of a stunningly beautiful day, the team not only preserved the delicate ecosystem by picking up trash but also enjoyed hiking and taking in the beautiful scenery. Their efforts bolstered biodiversity and provided a tangible reminder of the importance of preserving our natural habitats for generations to come.
As we reflect on our Earth Day celebrations, we are filled with gratitude for the passion and dedication demonstrated by our Knighted team members. Through their collective efforts, we’ve made a meaningful impact on our environment and community. Let’s carry this spirit of environmental responsibility forward, remembering that every small action has the power to create positive change. Thank you to everyone who participated in making Earth Day 2024 a resounding success!